Simple Way to Make Quick Chicken Curry

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Chicken Curry recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Chicken Curry recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Chicken Curry

Before you jump to Chicken Curry recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about What Are The Advantages Of Eating Superfoods?.

Youre what you consume. Quite plainly, you are. For instance, meats like poultry include amino acids that happen to be vital as they can help to repair muscle tissue. The same goes for all other foods, so it is vital that you simply dine correctly. Awareness of how our diet effects our health as well as the nourishment we need has led to more people eating superfoods. Do you know what superfoods really are? In straightforward terms, some food is good for us and many not so helpful. Antioxidants in nutritional food assists our immune system while unhealthy foods have little value and could make you fat. For instance you might expect, superfoods are looked at as the correct form of food.

In the end, the body requires the correct nutritional foods to stay alive. You need protein to create and mend cells, carbohydrates to deliver your system energy and fats to keep the body running right. You also need water, that is one of the most essential of the lot. The correct level of minerals and vitamins can be important although not always effortless to achieve, as well as some other kinds of nutrient. A fatty acid that we currently know more about is Omega-3 and it aids the fight against the harmful type of cholesterol. Omega-3 is found in salmon, that is classed as a superfood as it includes this fatty acid and its a very good source of protein. Another advantage of Omega-3 as you age is the way it is known for a positive effect in your brains health. Several superfoods have Omega-3 including nuts, seeds and different types of fish.

Superfoods are positively worth eating as they give you lots of nutritional value and health boosting vitamins that you could be otherwise not devour through your usual diet.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now lets go back to chicken curry recipe. You can cook chicken curry using 7 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Chicken Curry:

  1. Use of Red, yellow and green bell pepper.
  2. Prepare 2 of potato.
  3. Take of Baby carrots.
  4. Prepare of Onion.
  5. Use 1 of small pack of coconut oil.
  6. Use 1 tbsp of curry sauce.
  7. You need of Chicken.

Steps to make Chicken Curry:

  1. Heat a wok and add carrot let it stir fry until golden brown then remove.
  2. In same wok saute onion then chicken.Stir fry until chicken turns golden brown. Add a little water simmer and cover. Let the chicken cook and potato half done. Then add curry sauce and other vege let it cook and add coconut milk. Simmer and season according to your taste.

If you find this Chicken Curry recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.
